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Current fees for activities within 20 miles of Trowbridge are:

£8.00 to attend a 1 hour open class (Don’t forget to pre-book with Nick via his mobile)

£30/hour for personal 1:1 training, or £16.50 each for 1:2 training

£20 for a grading to attain a belt

Note: Personal 1:1 or 1:2 Training sessions can be held throughout the week and are arranged directly with Nick (07877 798903).


All class payments are by BACS transfer online to:

Martial Arts Leisure UK Ltd



Personal 1:1 sessions or 1-2 day self defence seminars are held at different times. These can be arranged at different venues or please get in contact if you wish to discuss a preferred venue

What to wear:

Please wear loose clothing such as a tracksuit and training shoes when joining for a class. This is all that will be required for you to actively participate in the classes.

If you wish to progress in the martial arts and undertake gradings for your chosen discipline then we encourage the use of the appropriate outfit and if you wanted to make contact in advance then we would be happy to advise on this. Alternatively why not attend a class and talk to one of the instructors there?

If you want to look at a good on-line store then BLITZ is a leading supplier and can be found at this link

Martial Arts Leisure UK Ltd

For More Information, Please Call Us

 Martial Arts leisure â€‹â€‹

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